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April in Jaco: Updates and Prayer Requests

Greetings! Please take a moment to read and pray about specific endeavors and needs with ministry and family.

1. Mentors Teaching How to Pray Intimately with God: mentors and students are in a strong weekly rhythm of connecting, building relationship, learning life skills, becoming servant leaders and growing in faith. I'm proud of our 20 leaders who are mentoring young people on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays with great intentionality. The main teaching themes this month has been mental health and prayer. We end the month with a night of prayer and worship, which has been a powerful time for kids to meet God in prayer and praise the Lord together regardless of what battles they are facing. Pray that our process of equipping mentors to continue to make a difference in their lives and that God would provide more mentors for our growing youth ministry. We pray with boldness that more men and women would make the decision to courageously impact the next generation (the photo below is one of our Spanish small groups). We also have a college mission team preparing to visit us in May to teach a forum about following Jesus as a young person in a secular culture. Pray that would be fruitful for many.

2. House Project Hiccups and Process

One of the common themes of living in Jaco is practicing patience and trusting the Lord in the process. As we are juggling ministry and parenthood in another country, we are facing some minor frustrations and delays in the home building process. This has caused us to hire a project manager to assist us with some of the complexities of the home building. We also had to reevaluate some of the design and structural questions with our architect, causing us to make adjustments that were worth it but also time consuming. As the builder we are in charge of making a custom decision for every big and small part of the home. We're grateful God has provided for us along the way and we are learning as we go!

Also, our heart is to move through this building project as debt-free as possible. We've raised 49% of our $240,000 project budget. This includes every detail from the property to all building costs. This means we still have $120,200 to raise. The sooner we raise this the sooner we are living in a stable home for family and ministry to thrive: Will you prayerfully consider giving to the project and even share this campaign to people who may be interested in ministry in Costa Rica? Below you can find the details about the project campaign.

3. Multi-Generational Camp:

The people of God have always been at their best when all generations are included. We see this clearly in the family of Israel in the Old Testament and the spirit-filled church in the New Testament. We are preparing something we've never done before: a weekend church-wide retreat at Campamento La Montaña at the end of May. This is the same camp we bring our students to every year in September. We expect this to be a rich time for families to get quality time together and establish deeper connections and stronger faith foundation. A huge value of our ministry is for parents to be equipped as the primary faith leaders for teenagers. The data is clear that young people will thrive in their faith long-term when their parents are active and intentional in the faith. We currently have almost 100 people joining us for this retreat. Pray for every detail and logistic as we prepare, and that God would move powerfully in all generations so that the church would be stronger force of life and light for the world.

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