On this Good Friday and Easter Weekend...
Don't let the busyness, the stress, the plans, the programs distract you from the heart of what this week is about.
2 Things I want you to know:
1. You are worth it.
2. Giving our lives away is worth it.
1. You are worth it: God himself came in your form to dwell with you. To know you and be known. To reconnect us with our God-giving identity, true belonging, and purpose. Jesus was condemned, he was betrayed, he carried a cross, he was nailed, he suffered, he was broken, he died, and was buried for our sake. His work on the cross was finished. It is enough for our past, present and future. You're so valuable and precious to him that Jesus gave his life. He defeated our greatest enemies. He defeated death itself. Through his life and work you are clothed in his righteousness. He has cleansed you and made you a new creation. This is our foundation. Do you see your God-given dignity?
2. Giving our lives away is worth it. What do I mean by "give your life away?" It means taking inventory of your time, your resources, your skills, your gifts for the benefit and blessing of others instead of your own self-glory. It's a radical intentionally to serve others. Speaking for myself, having a baby recently has brought me to a new depth of what this means. Sure, there is still a lure to seek my comfort, my selfishness, my agenda. But Jesus' work on the cross is enough. His love compels us to love. His love breaks down our selfish habits. His love strengthens us to live like Jesus for others. Because others are worth it! It's the great paradox: life abounds when we give it away.
We don't only receive the love of Jesus, we get to become conduits of his love for others. It's all worth it!
If you want to take a deeper study into the specific meaning of Good Friday and the cross check out this post from Bible Project Blog
-Grace and Peace from Yanceys in Costa Rica-